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What Is Ekklesia Design?

Ekklesia Design is a full-service, professional practice firm, operating in the economic sphere of real estate development, landscape architecture, land planning, and community design. However, at the core of this missionally-minded endeavor (as is the foundation for any good & worthy work) is a robust theology which seeks to glorify God in every area of life. Providing extraordinary quality to our value-aligned clients is the company's goal, while the overarching vision is to build a vertically-integrated venture which expands Christ's Kingdom & advocates for truth, beauty, and goodness in this world, one property at a time. 

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Meet Our Founder

Connor Neville is a licensed landscape architect and cartographic map-maker, by trade. As a confessionally-reformed Christian, husband, father of 3, churchman, and missional entrepreneur, Connor founded Ekklesia Design LLC as a way to dovetail his call to ministry pursuits with a vocational craft (from the Latin, vocatio, meaning to call/one's calling). Connor and his wife & kids (and dog) live in rural middle TN between Franklin and Columbia, through which he has developed a heart for the Appalachian/Southeastern US region and a zeal for its future development. However, Connor is passionate about helping build-up local communities and meeting their contextualized needs, wherever that may be.

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MISSION: Redeeming places through expert landscape architecture and strategic development planning.


VISION: To craft master plans and well designed properties for human flourishing with truth, beauty, and goodness.

Our Founding

It all started out back in a beloved garden, when the founder, Connor Neville, was a young boy in his Grandpa's back yard. Many spring days were well-spent laboring alongside his father (a landscape architect by trade, himself) with an end goal of planting that year's rendition of a beautiful, "theme-garden" of colorful annuals and refreshed perennials. Little did young Connor know at the time, this creative outlet would in-part become his lifelong calling; to work with the beautiful forms of nature in order to create places for human flourishing & social interactions. 


Ekklesia Design originated as a capstone project, titled "Redemption of Place", during Connor's tenure of earning his master's of landscape architecture (MLA) degree. The capstone's thesis was to design a consultancy model which would enable a landscape architecture firm to work with Christian clients & churches on the missiological strategy of cultural engagement through community development. To put this thesis to the test upon graduation, Connor created Ekklesia Design in 2020, which initially functioned as a social media and content-based ministry, with the occasional design project outside of full-time employment at the time. After various guest appearances on numerous podcasts & presence at various conferences, Connor was led to consider pursuing this venture full-time in providential timing.


Connor eventually went on to employ and sharpen his skills at a premiere & boutique firm based out of Franklin, TN (Gamble Design Collaborative, First-class mentorship, friendship, and a breadth of experience & expertise were all gained while at GDC, for which, Connor & Ekklesia Design will remain publicly thankful for life. Much of the project work that is displayed on Ekklesia Design's website (to-date) draws upon graphics and client work which were produced by Connor & his collaborators while at GDC.


Upon becoming professionally licensed to practice landscape architecture on his own, Connor founded Ekklesia Design LLC and launched the venture full-time in 2024. It is now a fully-licensed and insured consultancy firm operating in the field of landscape architecture & land planning. From start to finish, conceptual strategizing to construction administration, Ekklesia Design now exists to serve its amazing clients & craft their vision into reality. Our founding is truly a vision which providentially turned into a reality. Partner with us today!


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